So Damien Green the Conservative Shadow Immigration Minister has been arrested and his offices searched. Regular readers will know that I am no fan of the Tory Party but i have very serious concerns about this action. There will be a perception that Labour is using the Police, a point made well by PoliticalBetting. Even if the Police are acting on their own initiative then this is very dangerous territory for a democracy to be getting into.
Green has clearly annoyed someone at the Home Office a great deal and I do not believe for one instant that this was not done without the knowledge of the Home Secretary. I am sure the truth will come out in the wash but whatever Mr Green has done this is no way for the British Police to behave. Whatever your feelings about the way Mr Green uses sensitive information we must respect the position of parliament as an institution.
Sunday photoblogging: Accidental Pollock
3 days ago
But we don't know why Green was arrested, and his home and office were searched by anti-terrorist police following an investigation into leaks (about which we know nothing other than Cameron's speculation) by a civil servant. So why should a 'parliamentarian' be treated any different to any other citizen of the country?
And what is more, if the police intended to arrest a member of the opposition, the last people they should consult should be the government. If Smith had been told she would have been accused of colluding or authorising the arrest, and as it is the police behaved perfectly properly as far as I can see.
Amen to that, Oscott Lad.
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